How to Delete Lines in a File Using Vim [8 Easy Ways]

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Last updated: July 24, 2024

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To delete lines in a file using Vim, you can use these methods:

  1. Use the dd command to delete a single line in Vim by placing the cursor on it and pressing dd.
  2. Remove lines within a specified range by entering line numbers in command mode, for example, :3,7d.
  3. Delete all lines in a file at once by entering command mode with :, typing %d, and pressing Enter.
  4. Select lines in Visual Mode by pressing V and delete them by pressing d.
  5. Delete lines based on a pattern by issuing the :g/pattern/d command in Vim.

Read the guide below to learn more about how to delete lines in a file using Vim, along with quick troubleshooting methods and tips for efficient line deletions.

Deleting lines in Vim can be tricky, but I’m here to simplify it. This guide shows you how to use commands like dd, :delete, and visual mode to remove lines efficiently. You’ll also get tips to fix common issues and improve your workflow. Whether you’re removing a single line, a range, or all lines, these methods will make your tasks easier. By the end, you’ll confidently handle line deletions in Vim, making your text editing faster and more efficient.

Why Use Vim?

Vim is a powerful text editor that excels in many tasks, including deleting lines in a file. Here are six reasons why using Vim for this task is advantageous:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: Vim allows you to delete lines in a file quickly with simple commands, saving you time and effort.
  2. Keyboard-Centric Editing: You can delete all lines using only the keyboard, eliminating the need to switch between the keyboard and mouse, which streamlines the process.
  3. Multiple Methods: Vim offers several ways to delete lines, such as using visual mode, normal mode with Ex commands, or scripts and macros, providing flexibility based on your preference and the specific situation.
  4. Customization: You can customize Vim to fit your needs by creating shortcuts or using plugins that enhance your editing capabilities, making the process even more efficient.
  5. Availability: Vim is available by default on most Unix-based systems, including remote servers, making it a reliable choice for deleting lines and other text editing tasks across various platforms.
  6. Resource Efficiency: Vim is a lightweight editor that runs quickly and uses minimal system resources, making it ideal for working on large files or systems with limited capabilities.

How to Delete Lines in a File Using Vim

To delete lines in a file using Vim, start by opening the file in Vim. Use the dd command in Normal mode to delete a single line. For deleting multiple lines, type :[start],[end]d in Command mode, where [start] and [end] are the line numbers.

To delete all lines, use :%d. For deleting from the current line to the end of the file, use :.,$d. To delete from the current line to the beginning, use dgg. These commands make line deletions efficient and straightforward.

Let’s discuss these methods and other methods to delete a line in Vim in detail:

1. dd Command

The dd command in Vim is a simple and widely-used method for deleting lines in the editor. This command can be executed in normal mode by placing the cursor on the line you want to delete and then pressing the dd keys. This will delete the entire line on which the cursor is positioned. Let me explain it to you with a practical example of using the dd keys to delete a line in a file in the Vim editor:

  1. Open the file in the Vim editor with the following command:
vim filename.txt

Replace the filename.txt with the actual filename that you wish to open using the Vim editor. Also, make sure to navigate to the directory using the cd command where the file is located.

  1. Press the Esc key to enter the Normal mode of the Vim editor. Then, position your cursor on the line you wish to delete.
position your cursor on the line you wish to delete
  1. Press dd to delete the line under the cursor.
press dd to delete the line under the cursor
  1. Once done with the line deletion in Vim, you’ll see the following output:
done with the line deletion in vim
  1. Now, you can repeat the process to delete lines in any file using the Vim editor.
repeat the process to delete all lines in a file using vim

2. Range-Based Deletion

Vim allows you to delete lines within a specified range using the :delete command. This command can be used to delete a single line, a range of lines, or all lines in a file. Here’s how to do it:

  1. In the Terminal window, run the command below to open a file in Vim.
vim filename.txt
  1. In the Normal mode, move your cursor to the line you want to delete.
move your cursor to the line you want to delete
  1. Press : to enter the Command-Line mode and execute the :delete command.
enter the command line mode and execute the delete command
  1. Now, you’ll notice the fifth line deleted in this file.
you ll notice the fifth line deleted in this file
  1. Alternatively, you can specify the range by entering the line numbers in Command mode to delete multiple lines in a file using Vim. For instance, use :2,4d will delete lines from 2 to 4.
specify the range by entering the line numbers in command mode
  1. Once you press Enter to execute the command, it’ll delete the lines within the provided range in the command and you’ll get the following output.
delete the lines within the provided range in the command

3. Ex Command

In Vim, the Ex or :%d command allows you to delete all lines in a file at once. This can be a quick and convenient way to clear the contents of a file and start over from scratch. Here are the steps to utilize the Ex command to delete all lines in a file using Vim:

  1. Head to the file via the Linux command prompt by running the following:
vim filename.txt
  1. Enter Command mode by pressing : in Vim and type %d to indicate that you want to delete all lines in the file.
indicate that you want to delete all lines in the file
  1. Press Enter to execute the command and delete all lines.
execute the command and delete all lines

4. Visual Mode Line Deletion

When it comes to deleting lines, Visual mode can be particularly useful. This is because it is a powerful tool that allows you to select and manipulate text more efficiently. That is, you can select text in a variety of ways, including by character, word, line, or block. Here’s how to use this method to delete lines in a file using Vim easily:

  1. Open the desired file by executing this command in the Terminal window:
vim filename.txt
  1. Now, press V to enter Visual mode.
press v to enter visual mode
  1. Use the arrow keys to select the lines you want to delete.
use the arrow keys to select the lines you want to delete
  1. Now, press d to delete the selected lines.
press d to delete the selected lines

5. Macro Recording for Efficiency

Vim macros allow you to record a sequence of keystrokes and then replay that sequence whenever you need to perform the same task again. This can be a significant time saver when working with large files or when performing repetitive edits. Here’s how to use macros for line deletion:

  1. Execute the following command to open a file in Vim:
vim filename.txt
  1. Start recording a macro by pressing q followed by a letter. Here, I’ve used the qz keys for the macro recording.
start recording a macro by pressing q followed by a letter
  1. Press dd to perform the line deletion steps you wish to automate.
press dd to perform the line deletion steps you wish to automate
  1. Stop recording the macro by pressing q again. Once it stops, you’ll notice that Vim goes back to Normal mode.
notice that vim goes back to normal mode
  1. Execute the macro by typing @z in the Normal mode, where z is the letter you chose to record the macro for the line deletion in Vim. After this command is executed, it’ll delete a line in the file where the cursor is located.
z is the letter you chose to record the macro for the line deletion in vim

Repeating this process while deleting more than one line using the dd command will delete multiple lines at once when running @z in Normal mode. For instance, if you delete two lines using dd, it’ll delete two lines when executing @z in Normal mode.

6. Combining Multiple Commands for Advanced Scenarios

In complex scenarios where specific patterns or ranges of lines need deletion, combining multiple commands can be highly effective. Here’s an example of deleting lines based on a pattern:

  1. Execute the command below to open the file in Vim via the Linux Terminal.
vim filename.txt
  1. Enter the Command mode by pressing : in Vim.
enter command mode
  1. Execute the following command to delete all lines containing the pattern “apple“:
  1. Press Enter to execute the command and delete the search pattern from this file. The final output of the file should now look like this:
execute the command and delete the search pattern from this file
  1. Save and exit the file by typing :wq and pressing Enter.
save and exit the file by typing wq

7. Deleting from Current Line to the End of the File

To delete from the current line to the end of the file, use the :.,$d command. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open the file in Vim:
vim filename.txt
opening a file in vim editor
  1. Use the arrow keys or j and k to move the cursor to the line where you want to start deleting.
moving cursor to a specific line
  1. Press Esc to make sure you are in Normal mode. Type : to enter Command mode. You will see the cursor move to the bottom of the screen.
entering command mode in vim 1
  1. Type the following command and press Enter:
  • . refers to the current line.
  • $ represents the end of the file.
  • d is the delete command.

This will delete all lines from the current line to the end of the file.

deleting from current line to the end of file

8. Deleting from Current Line to the Beginning of the File

To delete from the current line to the beginning of the file, use the dgg command. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the file in Vim editor and use the arrow keys or j and k to move the cursor to the line where you want to start deleting. Press Esc to enter Normal mode.
moving cursor to desired line
  1. Press dgg.
  • d initiates the delete command.
  • gg moves the cursor to the beginning of the file.

This combination deletes all lines from the current line to the beginning of the file.

deleting from current line to the begining of file

      3 Potential Challenges and Troubleshooting Tips

      While working with Vim, you might experience a few challenges with line deletion in Vim. This can eventually hinder your efficiency and overall experience. To help you overcome these obstacles, I have compiled a list of three common issues and troubleshooting tips that will assist you in resolving line deletion problems and maintaining a smooth workflow:

      1. Handle File Permissions

      You may experience permission errors or work with read-only files that prevent you from making changes to the file in Vim. So, to save changes with elevated privileges in this scenario, you can use the command below:

      :w !sudo tee %

      This command allows you to write changes to the file with root user permissions, bypassing any permission errors or read-only restrictions. The :w command lets you write the current buffer (or changes) to a file, ! symbol tells Vim to run the subsequent command in the shell, and sudo tee write to files with elevated privileges. Lastly, the % symbol is a Vim shortcut that represents the current file name.

      handle file permissions

      2. Recover Deleted Lines

      Vim provides an extensive undo/redo feature that allows users to undo previous edits and restore the file to a previous state. If you accidentally delete lines while working on a file, you can use the u command in Vim to undo the deletion and restore the lines. The u command stands for “undo”, and it can undo the last edit made to the file, including deleting lines.

      use the u command in vim to undo the deletion and restore the lines

      But if you want to redo the undo operation, you can use the Ctrl + r command. The r command stands for “redo”, and it can redo the last changes that you made to the file, including restoring the lines.

      redo the last changes that you made to the file

      3. Deal with large file sizes

      When working with large files in Vim, you may experience performance issues that can slow down the application. To address this problem, you can consider disabling syntax highlighting temporarily using the :set syntax=off command. This command turns off the syntax highlighting feature, which can be resource-intensive when processing large files, thereby improving Vim’s performance.

      command turns off the syntax highlighting feature

      Alternatively, you can use Vim in “headless” mode using the -u NONE command-line option. This mode runs Vim without loading any plugins, scripts, or other configuration files, resulting in faster performance when working with large files. These techniques allow you to mitigate the performance issues that can arise when working with large files in Vim and help you maintain an efficient workflow.

      using the u none command line option

      5 Quick Tips for Fast and Effective Line Deletion in Vim

      To further enhance your line deletion proficiency in Vim and optimize your text-editing experience, consider these quick tips that cover various aspects of efficient line deletion, including keyboard shortcuts, customization, and advanced techniques:

      • ⌨️ Practice Keyboard Shortcuts for Speed: Familiarize yourself with essential Vim keyboard shortcuts to accelerate line deletion in Vim. For example, the dd command can quickly delete the current line, and Visual Mode allows you to select and delete lines efficiently.
      • 🎯 Utilize Range-Based Deletion for Precision: Take advantage of range-based line deletion in Vim to delete specific sets of lines efficiently. By specifying line numbers in command mode, such as :3,7d, you can delete lines within a specified range.
      • 🔍 Combine Ex Commands with Regex for Advanced Filtering: Harness the power of regular expressions within Ex commands to delete lines in Vim based on specific patterns or criteria. For example, you can use the :g/pattern/d command to delete all lines containing a particular pattern.
      • ⚙️ Customize Vim to Optimize Line Deletion Workflow: Personalize Vim settings or mappings to streamline your line deletion in Vim. You can create custom mappings for frequently used commands that provide additional functionality for line deletion.
      • 🧩 Explore Vim Plugins for Enhanced Functionality: Experiment with Vim plugins designed specifically for line deletion in Vim. These plugins can extend Vim’s capabilities, providing advanced features and options for efficient line deletion. Some popular Vim plugins for line deletion include vim-indent-object, vim-textobj-line, and vim-commentary.

      Key Takeaways

      In this article, I’ve covered various methods to delete lines in Vim, including dd, range-based deletions, Ex commands, and visual mode. I have also discussed resolving common issues and provided tips for efficient use.

      To further enhance your Vim skills, consider reading about:

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Can I recover deleted lines in Vim?

      Unfortunately, Vim has no built-in undo feature specifically for line deletions. It is recommended to save your file before performing any line deletion operations to avoid accidental data loss. However, Vim’s general undo command (u) can be used to undo changes made after the line deletion.

      How to delete lines in a specific range using regex ?

      To delete lines in a specific range based on a regex pattern, you can combine the range-based deletion command with a regular expression. For instance, the command :g/pattern/d will delete all lines containing the specified pattern within the given range.

      Is it possible to undo line deletion in Vim?

      While Vim does not provide a dedicated undo feature for line deletions, you can utilize the built-in undo command (u) to undo changes made after the deletion. It will revert any modifications made to the buffer, including the deleted lines.

      Can I delete lines from multiple files simultaneously in Vim?

      Yes, Vim allows you to delete lines from multiple files simultaneously using the :argdo command in combination with the deletion command. For example, by executing :argdo %d, you can delete all lines in each file present in the argument list. This enables efficient deletion across multiple files within Vim.

      Are there any plugins or extensions available for enhancing line deletion in Vim?

      Yes, Vim offers a wide range of plugins and extensions that can enhance line deletion capabilities. Some popular plugins include vim-surround, vim-commentary, and vim-repeat. Explore the Vim plugin ecosystem to find the ones that best suit your needs.

      What are the three primary modes in Vim?

      Vim has three main modes for editing and navigation, which are:
      – Normal mode: This is the default mode used for navigating and editing files. To return to Normal mode from any other mode, press the Esc key.
      – Insert mode: In this mode, you can insert or modify text within a file. To enter Insert mode from Normal mode, press the i key.
      – Command-Line mode: This mode allows you to execute various commands and perform operations. To access Command-Line mode from Normal mode, type :.
      Remember to press Esc to return to Normal mode after using Insert or Command-Line modes.



      Ojash is a skilled Linux expert and tech writer with over a decade of experience. He has extensive knowledge of Linux's file system, command-line interface, and software installations. Ojash is also an expert in shell scripting and automation, with experience in Bash, Python, and Perl. He has published numerous articles on Linux in various online publications, making him a valuable resource for both seasoned Linux users and beginners. Ojash is also an active member of the Linux community and participates in Linux forums.



      Akshat is a software engineer, product designer and the co-founder of Scrutify. He's an experienced Linux professional and the senior editor of this blog. He is also an open-source contributor to many projects on Github and has written several technical guides on Linux. Apart from that, he’s also actively sharing his ideas and tutorials on Medium and Attirer. As the editor of this blog, Akshat brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to provide readers with valuable insights and advice on a wide range of Linux-related topics.

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